Shadow day sign up

You’ll spend exclusive 1 or 2 days one on one with Dan, learning about advanced medical aesthetics and discussing client cases seen that day. You’ll also get a sense of how he runs his business and delivers his services and treatments. 

At the end of the day, you’ll see and discuss advanced neuromodulator and dermal filler techniques. Our goal is to increase your confidence by viewing and discussing techniques, as well as gain a better understanding of the industry.  We’ll also provide pointers and strategies about how we do business in this highly competitive field. Along with your shadow days, meals are provided.

Cost : 3000$ for 1 day or 5000$ for 2 days  *CAN plus tax 


Only a 150$ deposit to secure your dates; payment is due upon arrival at the clinic.  Dates are added regularly. 

Ready for a unique experience?  Sign up below :